air conditioner not turning on

Why is My Air Conditioner Not Turning On? This is Everything to Know

air conditioner not turning on

It's a hot summer day, and you switch on the AC. After a few minutes, you notice your air conditioner is not turning on.

You don't know why the AC is not working, and you have no expertise in AC repair.

What can you do?

If your AC is not coming on, you may have a circuit breaker problem that prevents unit functionality. You may encounter the same circuit breaker problem if the condenser unit won't work either. In both cases, you can reset the circuit breakers to fix the issue.

If a reset fails, you may have to hire a professional to remedy the problem. This article will provide a comprehensive guideline on AC problems. Read further if you wish to know more.

Circuit Breaker Remedies

A flipped circuit breaker means that your AC unit may have overheated while in operation. A circuit breaker issue benefits your home because it prevents house fires.

You may have a circuit breaker issue for the following reasons:

  • Old appliances
  • Units consume too much electricity
  • Too many appliances working at once

Check the circuit breaker panel of your home and look for any flipped switches. Return the breaker to its normal setting, and check your AC unit.

Thermostat Problem

If the circuit breaker isn't the issue, you could have a faulty thermostat. A broken thermostat cannot send signals to your unit.

The following issues could cause a thermostat malfunction:

  • Dead batteries
  • Breaker issue
  • Defective panel fuses

To spur your thermostat into action, check the electrical or mechanical components of the unit for any signs of debris or soot. From there, use compressed air to clean the dirty areas. Further, check the wiring and other parts for signs of corrosion.

You can also replace the thermostat outright. When all else fails, you may have to hire a professional for further guidance.

Dirty AC Filter

Even though a clogged filter is less likely to shut down your AC entirely, it's still a likely factor. A dirty filter can cause airflow issues and hamper the performance of the unit.

  • Example: A dirty air filter that allows debris and dirt into the unit can clog the mechanics. Excess particles in your unit may cause wear and tear that will lead to an eventual breakdown.

Check the filter if you haven't replaced it in over three months. You can find the filter near the air duct. You could also find it in the blower system if have an AC/heater combo.

Look through the owner's manual for the proper size and filter type. You can buy the filter from your local hardware store, or you can buy it online.

Air Conditioner Is Not Turning On

If your air conditioner is not turning on after numerous troubleshooting measures, contact an AC professional. You'll find that many AC repairmen offer quality rates that can fit within your budget.

Are you frustrated that your AC won't turn on? Contact us today to learn how an AC professional can save you the hassle of exhaustive DIY repairs.

HVAC Maintenance Plan

How To Find The Right HVAC Maintenance Plan To Fit Your Budget Needs

HVAC Maintenance Plan

Your HVAC system could last between 12-20 years, so how do you ensure that you get the most from this expensive component in your home. Like most things, regular maintenance helps to extend the life of your HVAC system.

So, should you consider an HVAC Maintenance Plan? Read on to learn how to evaluate an HVAC maintenance plan and determine the right plan for you.

The Right HVAC Maintenance Plan for You

Below are a few factors to consider when choosing an HVAC maintenance plan.

Your Personal Needs

Regular maintenance means cleaner air for you and your family. If your family suffers from allergies or asthma, you will benefit from regular system cleaning and maintenance.

Age of Your System

Newer systems need less maintenance than older systems. So consider the age of your system along with the portion of the country in which you live. Harsh climates can add additional wear and tear on systems requiring more regular maintenance and parts replacements.

Costs Versus Budget

If your HVAC system goes down, how long can you and your family tolerate being without it? There are more upfront costs for a maintenance plan, but many include emergency repair savings if your system goes down. Without a maintenance plan, you may pay a higher one-time visit fee for system evaluation.

All of these factors are important to consider as they relate to your personal budget.

What is Included? What is NOT Included?

Check the fine print, what is included? If emergency visits and regular check-ups are included you are probably better off getting an HVAC maintenance plan, especially if your system is older.

Compare Prices

What is the out of pocket costs for a visit? How many maintenance visits are included in the maintenance plan? How much is your peace of mind worth? All of these are questions that you must answer as you compare plans and prices.

If your system is new and you don't need regular evaluations, a plan may not be the right solution for you. However, older systems, ones that are important to your family's health or comfort all suggest that a maintenance plan can save you money and peace of mind.

Now that you understand the basics of an HVAC maintenance plan, check out our affordable plans to choose the one that works best for you.

Do You Need an HVAC Maintenance Plan in Lee County?

We have been in Lee County for 50 years, we know the area, we know the weather, and we know HVAC maintenance. We pride ourselves on treating our customers fairly and honestly. If you need to establish an HVAC Maintenance Plan, then we are the company for you.

Contact us, George Sr. credits our success to our company-wide philosophy: "We always try, above all, to be honest, and reputable and make every possible effort to put the customer first." find out for yourselves if this is true.

replace hvac

How to Know When It's Time to Repair or Replace HVAC Systems

The first air conditioner was invented more than a century ago in 1902. Heaters have been used in different forms, like cast iron stoves, for even longer.

Since their creation, these systems have been improved many times. Unfortunately, this doesn't mean they last forever.

Many homeowners wonder how they can tell if it's time to repair or replace HVAC systems. Continue reading to find out everything you need to know.

How Long Does a HVAC Unit Last? | HVAC Unit Lifespan

Many homeowners wonder what the expected lifespan of their heater or air conditioner is. The age of a system also helps when deciding whether to repair or replace your system.

The average lifespan of HVAC systems include:

  • Air conditioner - 15 to 20 years
  • Furnace - 15 to 20 years
  • Heat Pump - 16 years

Keep in mind these are only averages. If a unit is used more than average, it might need replacement sooner. Units that are used less often might last longer.

Another factor in whether your HVAC system will last its lifespan is how well maintained it is. If you keep up on routine maintenance, your system might last longer.

When to Repair HVAC Systems

If possible, it's better to repair your unit rather than replace it. Repairs generally cost less than replacing HVAC systems. They're also quicker and generally more convenient.

If your system is appropriately aged, you can usually repair it. Some situations warrant replacing the system regardless of its age.

When to Replace HVAC Systems

Besides age, a primary consideration in whether to repair or replace HVAC systems is the cost. If a repair costs more than a new installation, it's time to replace your AC or heater.

You'll also want to replace HVAC systems if any of the following apply:

  • Your air conditioner uses R-22 Freon (which is being phased out by the government)
  • Your heating or cooling costs are steadily rising
  • Your unit is unable to keep your home at a comfortable temperature
  • Any damage makes the unit unsafe (such as when the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning is increased)
  • You see more dust accumulation throughout your home than usual

These are just a few of the most common signs it's time to replace your air conditioner or heating system. Sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether you should repair or replace your unit.

Repair or Replace HVAC Unit?

If you're not sure whether to repair or replace your systems, ask for a professional opinion. An HVAC technician can help determine the best course of action for a faulty heating or cooling system.

Homeowners should always avoid working on air conditioning or heating systems themselves. There are a lot of risks involved only a trained professional fully understands.

Besides obvious breaks, there are a few other reasons you might want to call a professional HVAC technician. These include:

  • Hearing strange noises when your AC or heater is running
  • Smelling unusual odors coming from your HVAC systems

If you ever have doubts about the safety of your heating or cooling system, call a professional. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

If possible, find a technician who is certified to work with specific brands. For example, we're a certified Trane dealer. This would make us a great choice if you need to repair or replace a Trane AC unit.

Contact Ellsworth's Heating & Cooling for HVAC Repair or Replacement Service in Fort Myers, FL

The most significant considerations when deciding whether to replace or repair your HVAC systems are age and price. In some situations, other things need to be considered.

Do you have more questions about when it's time to replace HVAC systems?

Contact us today. One of our associates would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

air conditioner frozen

Why is My Air Conditioner Frozen and What Should I Do to Fix It?


When you live in a warmer climate, you depend on your HVAC unit to keep you cool. However, AC units malfunction sometimes, and it's common for them to freeze.

If you had to ask, why is my air conditioner frozen? The solution might be easier than you might think.

In this article, we'll help you identify why your air conditioner freezes.

Read on to get started.

What Causes Your Air Conditioner to Freeze?

There are several factors that can cause your air conditioner to freeze. It's important to rule out all of these reasons in order to get to the root of the problem.

Dirty Evaporator Coils

If the evaporator coils in your AC unit get clogged with dirt and debris, it could restrict the airflow. When this happens, the system often freezes.

Refrigerant Leak

Refrigerant is an important element to keep your AC unit running as it's supposed to. If the refrigerant doesn't flow from point A to point B, it can cause a number of issues with the unit, including freezing.

When the refrigerant leaks, it almost always causes the unit to freeze.

Dirty Air Filter

A clean air filter is necessary for the AC unit to work as it should. However, when excess debris builds in the filter, it stops the airflow.

The restricted airflow will cause the unit to freeze.

What to Do When the AC Freezes?

Once you know that your air conditioner is frozen, there are a few steps you can take to remedy the issue.

Let the AC Thaw

When your AC unit is frozen, the first thing you need to do is let it thaw.

First, you need to turn off the thermostat and turn the fan on. By taking this step, the A-coil will start to defrost. The defrosting process could take a few hours, depending on the unit.

Since thawing the unit will result in some excess water, it's important you locate the dripping pan. Failure to do so could result in water damage and the last thing you need it to deal with another issue.

Check the Air Filter

As we mentioned before, a dirty air filter often causes the AC unit to freeze. If you noticed your unit is frozen, the first thing you need to do is check the air filter.

The solution is quite simple - open the air cover and check the filter. If you notice the filter is dirty, all you have to do is replace it.

Replacing the filter is one of the most inexpensive repairs to the unit.

Start the Unit Again

Once you let the unit thaw and you replace the filter, you can start the unit on again. If the air comes out cool, then you fixed the problem.

However, if the air is room temperature, you might want to call a professional.

Why Is My Air Conditioner Frozen? This Is How You Fix it

Why is my air conditioner frozen? Now that you know the many reasons why your AC unit might be frozen, it's time you try to fix your unit.

If the AC unit is frozen, try checking the filter, turn off the unit or call a professional.

Are you in the Fort Myers or Naples area, and you need an HVAC professional? If so, give us a call today.

air conditioning maintenance plan fort myers

Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan Fort Myers

To be sure you get great service from your air conditioner, it means you need to get an AC repair plan. Knowing about how to get this work will help you whether you want the work for your business or home air conditioner.

If you choose a maintenance plan that gives you the best repair service, you can always rely on your air conditioner to work.

Here is what you need to know about having an air conditioning maintenance plan in Fort Myers.

Go Through the Entire List of What is Included in the Plan

Maintenance plans are one of the best things that you can get for your air conditioner. It lets you pay for a subscription plan so that your repair service is paid for ahead of time.

Be sure that you get a list of everything that you'll get with your maintenance plan, and which tiers of plans they have.

The maintenance plan that you get needs to address your air compressor, drain tube and other parts. Ask the air conditioning professional what brand of equipment they use also, so you can read the reviews and make sure that it is quality equipment.

Make Sure it Has Everything You Need

So what should you get from your AC maintenance plan?

Choosing great HVAC service will help you keep your air conditioner at its absolute best. The maintenance plan should at least have carbon monoxide testing, a gas valve inspection, pressure checks, seasonal safety inspections, and air filter changes.

These air conditioning plans are issued in the form of a contract, so you should read through all of the details. It will let you know how many house calls per year you receive as part of the plan, along with a schedule of when you should get the repairs.

Compare between a few different repair plans to be sure that your air conditioner always works. It will save you a lot of trouble during the hot Fort Myers summer season.

Consider the Costs of Air Conditioning Repair Relative to Getting a Plan

If you are comparing and contrasting air conditioner maintenance plans in your city, be sure that you also think about the costs. Compare the price you will pay without a plan versus what you will get as part of your repair plan.

Make the most cost-effective decision so that you can find out how to get repairs without paying too much. The more that you know about your repairs and how much they cost, the better the decisions you will make.

Buy an Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan in Fort Myers

If you're interested in getting an air conditioning maintenance plan in Fort Myers, these are the things you need to know.

Since Fort Myers is known to get heat and sunshine year-round, choosing the right maintenance plan is a great step to take. Our company can assist you if you are trying to buy a repair plan for your home or business.

Schedule your air conditioning services with us when you need help.

air conditioning maintenance Fort Myers, FL

Air Conditioning Maintenance Plans

Like many other options in your home, an HVAC system is nothing short of an important asset. So, why not keep it in good use? 

An air conditioning maintenance plan saves you money on servicing down the road. 

Keeping things up-to-date and in working order means fewer breakdowns. A well-serviced HVAC leads to a reduction in repair costs and utility bills. It also means dwelling in a home with healthy air quality. 

It's time to extend the lifespan of your system. 

If you've been considering the health of your system, you need to read this. Let's explore the importance of an air conditioning maintenance plan.

Good Air Conditioning Maintenance Leads to Fewer Repairs

As HVAC systems age, normal operations breaks them down. During that process, moving parts—the motor, belts, etc,—wear down. 

Regular maintenance leads to less costly repairs.

Keeping a system cleaned and lubricated protects the internal parts of the system. Systematic check-ups on the refrigerant levels and coils keep the system from freezing. All of which can cost you thousands in repair.

Preventative servicing helps you hone in on suspected issues early to avoid major damage. 

Improved Performance

A well-maintained system is a high-performing system. Routine upkeep is all about making sure your system operates at peak performance.

Consistent inspections and cleanings ensure the HVAC system performs at higher efficiency levels. In the course of a maintenance appointment, a technician checks the wiring, fuel line, and levels.

They calibrate the unit to check it for future reliability and efficiency. A technician will also inspect for mechanical concerns to identify any needed repairs. 

Comfort and Air Quality 

One of the most important aspects of an HVAC system is that it blows quality air and provides comfort.

You can't ensure that if you don't schedule planned maintenance. The performance of the system impacts comfort. Dirty coils, ignition problems, and obstructions in the burner corrupts the system. 

Issues with the humidity controls ensue, affecting the capacity of the HVAC unit. Also, filthy drain pans and ducts spill allergens into the air, making it unsafe for people with asthma or allergies. 

Periodic maintenance restores the unit's performance, improving air quality and comfort. 

Reduction in Utility Costs

When in an HVAC unit is not operating at full capacity, it cycles more than usual. A system that cycles more than often burns unnecessary energy, creating more cost. 

Having a technician come and calibrate your system, raises the capacity. In turn, the unit cycles less, cutting utility costs significantly. 

Get a Maintenance Plan

Regular air conditioning maintenance saves your unit and your wallet. By putting a maintenance plan in place, you preserve the life of your system.

Review the service dates for your unit. If you haven't had a professional give it a thorough inspection, schedule a maintenance appointment right away.

Need more help from a professional? Check out our a/c services and get an expert's opinion about the health of your system. 

ac not working

AC Not Working? 6 Signs Your HVAC is About to Call It Quits

ac not working

AC is a staple for American homes, with installations in around 90% of households.

Since we're so used to living with this luxury, things can get really uncomfortable when it breaks down.

If your AC's not working, you need to act fast. In this post, we'll tell you which problems to look out for.

Read on to find out how to keep your AC unit in shape.

How to Know When Your AC is Not Working

If you spot these tell-tale signs, it's time to call the experts.

1. It's Making Noises

Are you hearing squeaking, clunking or whirring sounds every time your AC is on?

Abnormal sounds like these are signs that something's not quite right. Perhaps a part has become loose or the unit is blocked by some kind of debris. In order to find out, you'll have to open it up and take a look.

2. The Thermostat Isn't Working

This is one of the most common problems with AC units.

If you find that the temperature of the air coming out of the system is wildly different to the temperature you set, the thermostat could be the root of the problem.

It could be completely broken, in which case you'll have to replace it. However, it could simply be poorly calibrated. The latter is an easy fix that you may be able to do by yourself.

3. Water is Leaking Out

It's always unpleasant when water is leaking out of your air conditioner, dripping onto your floors and furniture.

If you leave it this way for too long, the unit might fail altogether. On top of that, it can also cause damage to other parts of your home, costing you even more money over time.

4. It's Not Blowing Cool Air

Has your unit suddenly stopped producing cool air? Do you find that it doesn't cool down your home, no matter how low you set the temperature or how high you set the fan?

This could mean that your air conditioning unit is on its last legs.

It's often a sign that the compressor has failed, but if replacing that doesn't work for you, you'll have to get a new unit altogether.

5. Your Bills are Sky High

If your utility bills are skyrocketing, an inefficient AC system could be the culprit.

Ditch the dud and get a new one, and you'll reduce your costs as well as your carbon footprint.

6. It's Constantly Breaking Down

If you find that every time you fix one part of your AC, another part fails, it's best to cut your losses and replace the unit.

The amount you spend on repairs will be far higher than the cost of a new unit, so you'll save money in the long run.

Take Care of All Your AC Needs

If your AC's not working, we can help you.

At Ellsworth's Heating and Cooling, we specialize in HVAC services.

Whether you need a quick fix or an entirely new system, we can handle it for you. We'll take care of your unit's installation, plus any repairs and maintenance you need.

Learn more about our air conditioning services to see what we can do for you.

Air Conditioning Contractor Fort Myers

How to Find the Best Air Conditioning Contractor in Fort Myers

In 2018, the hottest day in Florida was recorded as 96 degrees Fahrenheit. As a resident of South West Florida, you never want to be stuck without a running air conditioner. For that reason, having a reputable HVAC contractor on hand is a must.

Here's how to find the best air conditioning contractor Fort Myers has to offer.

1. Ask Friends for Recommendations

Since you live in a region where the climate is consistently hot, you have the fortune of being surrounded by neighbors with HVAC systems. Most homes in Florida are equipped with central air, and each of those units needs HVAC servicing every now and then.

Trust your friends and neighbors. Word of mouth is the strongest promoter and also the strongest deterrent for new customers when it comes to any business.
Simply ask a few questions:

  • Who do you use as your HVAC contractor?
  • Can you recommend an AC contractor nearby?
  • Is there any business you wouldn't recommend? If so, why?

If more than one neighbor gives you a strong recommendation for a particular business, that's a sure sign this is the right contractor for you.

2. Look up Air Conditioning Contractors in Fort Myers Online

Another reliable source for recommendations and reviews of any business is the internet. Whether you do a simple Google search or you inquire about businesses on your local Facebook group, a little bit of online research can go a long way.

After you do a basic Google search for Fort Myers HVAC contractors, look up the websites of the companies that catch your eye. The businesses that appear most intuitive and approachable online are likely to be reputable, honest, and well-organized.
As you browse each company's site, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does this contractor seem to be an expert in the HVAC business?
  • Is this company friendly?
    • Is there a lot of helpful and useful content on their website?

If a company or contractor wants to position themselves as an expert in the field, their site will likely have a helpful blog. That's where you can learn what to expect from your average maintenance visit, for instance. Keep in mind that expertise is a strong indicator of professionalism.

3. Look for a Better Business Bureau Rating

The Better Business Bureau is a neutral organization that keeps track of businesses in terms of reputation. Most legitimate businesses have a BBB rating.

If you've narrowed down your choices to two or three HVAC contractors in Fort Myers, search for each one on the BBB website. If each business is registered with the bureau, you'll find ratings and reviews for it.

Also, you will have a chance to see if there are any complaints filed against the business, as well as whether the complaints were resolved.

Are You Ready to Hire an HVAC Contractor?

Now that you are armed with these tips, you're all set to find the best air conditioning contractor Fort Myers has to offer.

Reputation, expertise, and a friendly disposition are all characteristics that make a company great to work with on a regular basis.

If you have any more questions about HVAC maintenance, visit our blog for more information straight from the experts. Contact us today to scheduled a maintenance call or to draft a regular maintenance plan.

air conditioner problems

Discover The 7 Most Common Air Conditioner Problems

In the US, almost 100 million homes have air conditioning; it's pretty much standard to have one now, especially if you live in hot states like Florida.

While it can be amazing to have in the summer, AC isn't without its problems. Whether it's wear and tear, or a faulty part, your unit can be prone to issues at times. Here are the 7 most common air conditioner problems in Fort Myers.

1. Frozen Evaporator Coils

These coils are responsible for taking the heat out of the air so the temperature in your home lowers; they do this through the refrigerant that's in them.

Sometimes, things go wrong and the evaporator coils don't stay warm. Instead, they freeze over. If this happens, then your air conditioning can't absorb the hot air and your home remains hot.

2. Not Enough Refrigerant

To properly cool the air, your AC unit needs refrigerant. If it's low, then it's time for a top-up.

However, your refrigerant might be low because of a leak, or even multiple ones. An HVAC expert can find and repair them so your home feels cool again.

3. Broken Thermostat

Older thermostats will be prone to breaking or becoming improperly calibrated. No matter what the issue is, it can cause your AC to not work correctly.

Newer thermostats are more accurately calibrated, but can still break. However, before you call a specialist, check to see if you've actually programmed it right.

4. Dirty Condenser Coils

The condenser coils are located on the outside of the AC unit, which means it can easily get a buildup of dust and dirt. These coils dump the hot air from inside, so if they're dirty, they can't do their job effectively.

You can prevent this from happening by washing them down once a year.

5. Worn-Down Connectors

Connectors are responsible for making electrical connections between various parts of your air conditioning, so if any are worn down, it can cause the whole unit to not function.

6. Clogged Filter

If your AC is blowing out hot air, a possible cause is a clogged filter. Manufacturers' instructions will advise you on how often to change them, but if you've had particularly bad weather (such as smoke or smog), you may have to change them sooner. You should swap out the filter if no light shines through it.

7. Problematic Fans

A number of things can go wrong with your AC's fans, so you should try troubleshooting it yourself first. But if you can't fix it, call a professional. Without repair from an expert, the compressor can break, which can warrant a new and expensive AC installation.

Get Your Air Conditioner Problems Fixed Pronto

If you have any of the above air conditioner problems, you need to get them fixed right away. The longer you wait, the more likely a small problem will develop into a bigger and more costly one. So get a professional to look at your AC problems as soon as you notice them.

If you need air conditioner problems fixed in Fort Myers, then get in touch with us now.

air conditioning repair Fort Myers

Special Central Air Conditioner Financing for Fort Myers Homeowners

air conditioning repair

Did you know that on average, 12% of household energy consumption in the U.S. is for air conditioning use alone?

That's right. And if you live in the constantly warm Fort Myers, Florida, you could be using more! After all, you'd need to keep your air conditioner running to stay cool and comfortable.

The thing is, Florida has one of the highest monthly energy use in the country, at 1,123 kWh per customer. That's why residential electricity bills average $123 a month in the state.

But if you ignore the signs indicating the need for air conditioning repair, you'll pay even more.

As such, be sure to call an HVAC professional as soon as you notice these symptoms of a faulty air conditioner.

Rattling Sounds

If your AC rattles whenever you turn it on or while it’s running, a faulty fan motor may be the culprit. It's possible that the fan blades themselves are acting up because of debris build-up. It may also be an issue with the capacitor, which supplies torque that powers up the fan motor.

Either way, odd sounds or even loud noises from your AC are signs you need air conditioner repair in Fort Myers. Even if the unit still works, leaving it unchecked can lead to fan and even motor damage. If the motor breaks, those sounds will go away but only because your AC will stop working completely.

Warm Air Out of the Vents

Another sign you should call an AC repair Fort Myers specialist is when the unit blows warm air. This can be a sign of a faulty compressor. A compressor's job is to circulate the refrigerant in the air conditioning system.

If the compressor fails to do its job, the refrigerant can't absorb heat and cool the air down. As a result, the AC blows out warm air instead of refreshing air.

A refrigerant leak can also be the cause behind that warm air. This is more dangerous, as ACs made up to 2015 use Freon, a type of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC). CFCs have contributed to ozone layer depletion, which is why the U.S. is phasing out Freon by January 01, 2020.

If your broken air conditioner in Fort Myers is due to a Freon leak, it may best to get a new AC installed instead. This way, you don't have to worry about dangerous chemicals contaminating indoor air.

Besides, the latest HVAC systems are more energy-efficient. In fact, their programmable thermostat alone can already save you up to $180 a year.

Weak Flow of Air or Air Isn’t “Cool” Enough

If your air conditioner won't work right in the sense that it has weak air flow, check the AC filter first. It's possible that the filter has become too filthy that it hinders the unit's ability to blow out cool air. The rule of thumb is to clean or replace filters at least once every three months.

If you've only changed the filter say, two weeks ago, damaged fan blades may be the culprit. A compressor nearing its end may also be ineffective in circulating the refrigerant.

Consider Air Conditioning Financing to Get Your AC Headaches Fixed ASAP

Aside from the above-mentioned signs, be on the lookout for stinky smells coming from the AC too. These foul odors can be due to a clogged or overflowing condenser pan. That water not only gives rise to mold development but also possible water damage.

The important thing is to contact a Fort Myers HVAC specialist as soon as you notice these symptoms. If you're worried about the cost of an AC replacement, consider a special financing plan. The most reputable HVAC companies in Fort Myers offer air conditioning financing services.

Schedule Your Air Conditioning Repair Service Now

Keep in mind that it’s not rare for temperatures to reach as high as 92 °F in Fort Myers. In fact, 109.9 °F was the highest ever recorded temperature in the city. That can put anyone at risk of heat-related health conditions!

That said, don’t ignore the signs of a malfunctioning air conditioner! Give us a call now so we can provide you with timely air conditioning repair services.